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Read online ebook M.A. Hayat - Principles and Techniques of Electron Microscopy : Biological Applications MOBI


Principles and Techniques of Electron Microscopy has established itself as a standard book for biological electron microscopists wishing to learn how to prepare their specimens for electron microscopic investigation. This fully revised and expanded 4th edition includes three new chapters covering such topics as immunocytochemistry and applications of microwave irradiation to microscopy. This revised and expanded 4th edition of Principles and Techniques of Electron Microscopy provides practical instructions on how to process biological specimens, as well as a detailed discussion on the principles underlying the various processes. The book presents methods in a self-explanatory form. Further, alternative procedures and points of disagreement help the reader interpret data accurately. What sets this book apart from its competition is that it not only describes techniques but also explains the principles behind the techniques; that is, chemical reactions underlying the use of various reagents for preserving and staining cellular components., Principles and Techniques of Electron Microscopy is the standard work for biological electron microscopists wishing to learn how to prepare their specimens for electron microscopic investigation. This fully revised and expanded fourth edition includes three new chapters covering such topics as plant tissues, immunocytochemistry, and applications of microwave irradiation to microscopy. It provides practical instructions on how to process biological specimens, as well as a detailed discussion on the principles underlying the various processes. Dr. Hayat presents methods in a self-explanatory form and includes alternative procedures and points of disagreement to help the reader interpret data accurately. What sets this book apart from its competition is that it not only describes techniques but also explains their fundamental principles; that is, those chemical reactions underlying the use of various reagents for preserving and staining cellular components.

Read online ebook M.A. Hayat - Principles and Techniques of Electron Microscopy : Biological Applications in DOC, EPUB

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