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Silver sol review

Success Stories

Guardian Silver and Love Silver are the same except that Love Silver is only given to charities helping the world’s impoverished free of charge.

What Do Others Say About Guardian?

The following personal stories are a sample of the many we receive:

“Thought I’d tell you about my new silver solution solution. Chemo causes mouth sores. I had about 5 or 6 of them in my mouth and they hurt. So I thought I’d try silver. In 24 hrs. they were mostly gone and after 3 days I have none left. So I’m thrilled and I can still eat chocolate.”

“I received my bottle of Guardian Silver Sol, it was safe and sound in its box. I have noticed the benefits right away from the first bottle. I have had these little polyp like bumps (like a twenty year old zit, to be graphic) for twenty years now and they are starting to go away. I am 56 years old, in excellent health and I am attractive looking (except for the bumps). The doctors don’t know what causes them and will do nothing about them. I also take the Silver Sol to ward off any cold or flu symptoms. No colds or flu yet. Thank you for your product.”

Pamela from North Carolina writes:

“Thank you for taking the time to answer my call today which led to a very enlightening conversation. After speaking with you, I watched all of the videos on your website, and I have to say that I am even more amazed at this wonderful product, than I was just from my personal experiences.

As I told you, I had a skin infection that would not go away. By that I mean that it would not completely heal. I was told by two dermatologists that it was simply dry skin. You cannot imagine the frustration that came from suffering with this condition, but then to be told that it is in my head. I was prescribed a cream to rub on the skin, which didn’t come close to relieving the problem. One of the dermatologist suggested that I should get a hobby, i.e. painting or knitting. This doctor knew nothing about my personal life, but she assumed that I had too much time to think about myself.

I had tried another silver solution that seemed to curb some of the itching & stinging, but it could not be used topically, plus in order to take the dosage that was suggested for my condition, one small bottle would only last three days. Because of this, I attempted to find another source for the silver. Your website was the first one that I opened and after reading about your product, I felt that I should try it.

Once I started using the Guardian Silver Sol, I immediately saw the sores beginning to dry up and heal. The itching, stinging, etc. became much better. I had severe cracking and dryness around my fingernails, plus the nails were splitting and unhealthy looking. I decided to apply the solution on the fingernails and the surrounding area. To my amazement, not only did the dry, cracked skin heal, but my fingernails started to grow, which has never happened in my life. I just keep admiring them.

I cannot say enough about this product, and plan to take advantage of the different ways to use it, based on the information that I received from the video with Dr. Eaton and Dr. Pederson.”

M.E. Allin from Kincardine, Ontario writes:

“I had been experiencing severe abdominal pain quite frequently and upon having a Cat Scan was told that I had diverticulitis. I started on the Silver Sol approximately two years ago and have not had any severe attacks since. If I start to feel any discomfort at all I increase my intake to double and symptoms would disappear. I am happy and can honestly say that I would not want to be without it because it has certainly been a god-send to me.”

Kim W. from London, Ontario writes:

“I had been out in the sun all day last Saturday and did not wear sunscreen as it was a mostly overcast day. However that evening, I did have a burn, and my skin was incredibly itchy (happens to me every year with the first few exposures to the sun)

I sprayed on some Silver Sol and it relieved most of the burning and itching. I applied another application, again sprayed on my sunburn, about 2 hours later and the burning and itching was GONE. I did not have any discomfort what so ever after that! The Silver Sol is amazing!”

M. Haines from St. Catharines, Ontario writes:

“As a pet owner, I would like to share with you some success stories I have had with our cats using Silver Sol:

Mooshie, our one cat has been taking Silver Sol daily now for approximately 2 years. Before he started taking it, he was often visiting the vet with symptoms of bladder infections and complications. Since the use of the Silver Sol, Mooshie has been healthy and well. No more costly visits to the vet and his urinary tract is clear and healthy.

Kitty is our second cat and is 18 years young. We also have been giving him Silver Sol daily with his food for over 2 years now. Recently, I had some bloodwork taken from him and all was perfect with the exception of a low white blood cell count. The reading was 3.7 and a normal reading is between 5.5 to 19. I increased his dosage of Silver Sol for 14 days and then had his bloodwork taken again. This time, Kitty’s white blood cell count increased to within normal levels!

I am so grateful for the Silver Sol as it has benefited our whole family including our pets.”

T. Zielske from Minnesota writes:

“There had been several times in the recent past where I would find blood in my stool. The blood would be on the outside of the stool and at first I didn’t pay much attention to it. After seeing this each time I started to notice that I would feel pain and this would gradually increase. The pain would became so bad, it would bring me to my knees.

I had started taking the Silver Sol and witnessed that on the very first bottle many worms and parasites were eliminated. Within a couple of weeks, pain would come back as well as the blood in my stool.

Continuing taking the Silver Sol, it came to a time when the pain was so intense that I passed what I can only describe as a “bloody jellyfish” hanging down from the cluster of stool. It had tentacles hanging down on it. Over a period of time, I passed 3 of these same jelly fish looking things with tentacles on them.

Since then I have been healthy and well and have had no more pain nor have I had any bloody stool or passed any other jelly fish like objects.

I truly believe in the Silver Sol technology and am living proof that this does work! We always ensure to take care of our cars and personal belongings and I feel it’s important to state that we need to remember that it’s so imperative to take care of ourselves too! I feel so strongly that there should be Silver Sol in every household. Especially in their emergency kit as if the time comes that it is needed, that is when you will need it the most!”

Linda from New Mexico writes:

“I have ordered Guardian Silver Sol and used it enough now that I want to let you know that my family trusts it for any number of things. Our grandson who started kindergarten this year and had a pregnant mom at home stayed amazingly free of colds and flu even though he is usually asthmatic and got sick easily. The family used a spray of silver daily and all have survived the flu season amazingly easily. I had a cut on my leg get infected, with a red circle around it of about an inch. I sat with a dampened pad of silver solution on it for about an hour, and it went almost totally away. About a week later I noticed a small amount of redness still remained and I repeated the silver treatment. It completely cleared up. I also have used it on a daily basis at varying times when my gingivitis acts up. I have had dentists wanting to do up to $6000 worth of work on my gums (not the actual surgery which would cost even more) but when I used silver morning and night, combined with flossing and brushing, for 2 weeks my dentist said my gums looked healthy. I still often take a dose at bed time and keep it in my mouth for as long as is comfortable before swallowing, especially if I feel any signs inflammation in my gums. In general, I trust it as an option to antibiotics which I have previously had many allergic reactions to and try hard to avoid. I feel it to be our first line of defense against almost anything which relieves anxiety about a possible pandemic. A friend with chronic bronchitis and a low tolerance for antibiotics bought some from my supply to try.

So I want to always have enough silver on hand to be able to pass on to others, and to still not worry about running out in an emergency. Ordering 10 bottles at a time is a perfect way and I am thrilled to be able to take part in the donation of bottles to places of need. The malaria project is especially exciting.”

Want to share your own story? Contact us and let us know!